Thursday, July 17, 2008

Things are Coming Together

I was going to update last week, but I was heading to California for a week for a leadership conference. I just got back to Denver, so I'm going to tell everyone what's up. I received my visa last Monday, everything was good. I have to enter before Jan. 1, 2009 and I can only stay 180 days from my date of entry. That works out perfectly because I'm leaving August 5th, and I think I'm only in China for 140 something days.

I received notification of my school dorm. I'm rooming with Jim Lechleitner and we got into the apartment style buildings on campus. This means we have our room, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. If the food is really horrible, we can always cook our own noodles and rice. Also, I received my class schedule. Here it is:

Monday: Chinese 9:30-12:20
Tuesday: Chinese 9:30-12:20, Arts of China 1:30-4:20, Business Finance 4:30-7:20
Wednesday: No Classes!
Thursday: Chinese 9:30-12:20, Principals of Marketing 4:30-7:20
Friday: Chinese 9:30-12:20, Intro to Buddhism 1:30-4:20

The schedule isn't too terrible. I don't like the fact that I have a class on Friday afternoon, and Tuesdays will definitely kill me. If you know me, I eat all the time so I'm going to have to figure out how I'm going to prevent myself from starving on Tuesdays. Other than that Monday will be pretty easy and I can already predict myself missing a lot of Monday morning Chinese classes because I'm going to be traveling around.

I haven't started packing yet and my chinese language books are still laying on the ground where I left them at the beginning of the summer. I finally picked up some of my informational books, and I'm currently reading China's New Rulers by Andrew J. Nathan & Bruce Gilley. I'm surprised how much I like reading about the politics of China. Interesting stuff to me, but I have no time and other priorities that keep me from really getting through the book. I'm about 90 pages deep out of 250. Maybe I'll get to 150 by the time I leave.

Other than that I've been good. I'll be updating more often now, so put me on your RSS feed if you have it.


Anonymous said...

I guess we better start planning the going away party now that you've invited everyone...

Chinese food, Mexican food, or American food...

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! Can't wait to read about your adventures and life in China!