Saturday, August 9, 2008

Opening Ceremony

Yesterday was the opening ceremony for the Olympics. I am pretty sure that everyone was either at work or sleeping during the ceremony. It lasted about 4 and a half hours. We left in the around 5:00 to head to the park. China had many parks set up throughout the city for viewing on large screen TVs. When we arrived, there were hundreds of people. It was an awesome experience except for the fact that no one ate beforehand. After an hour in the heat, I was done watching the ceremony and just wanted to go home. It was at least 85 degrees outside and humid. Not to mention, I was tired from last night, hungry, and uncomfortable. Sitting on the ground eventually led to falling asleep on my back. I didn't sleep the whole entire time, just the last 2 hours...and I know most people would have killed to watch the opening ceremony at a park a few miles from the actual Olympic village, but really. Heat, humidity, tiredness and hunger, don't really mix too well for me. Actually, everyone fell asleep but one girl, Rachel. Needless to say, it was amazing to watch the people all around me. There had to have been people from over 12 countries. Brazilians, Australians, Europeans and Chinese were all around me.

Random facts: Devon today got her subway card stuck in the machine while we were going home from lunch. That was a fiasco. The subway workers actually thought that she broke the machine. That was funny. They laughed when I told them that we didn't want the card and we would just take 100 kuai, which is about 15 bucks. Also, during the opening ceremony, you would be surprised who the people cheered for. The biggest cheers came for: Cuba, Pakistan, Palestine, Iran, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and a big boo for Bush. Ha. Funny thing is I've had three bloody noses so far. I can't figure out why I'm getting them considering the air is as humid as a steaming sauna. And my feet have attracted a swarm of mosquitoes and they itch whenever they get hot. I think I got bit by something else too because it was swollen and red for a day. I'll keep a watch on it but I'm sure it's fine. If I dont write about it anymore, it's fine. I almost got sick last night too. My stomach was pretty upset so Devon and I took a cab home early. So, now I have to keep an eye out on what I eat. I didn't get sick, but it was upsetting to say the least.

I love watching the people here. They are amazing. Everyone is so nice and willing to meet you half way. My Chinese is improving rapidly. Today, we finally got our official tickets. I also scheduled my trip to the Forbidden City, Great Wall, Lama Temple, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace and a few special dinners that include Beijing Duck dinner, Hot Pot (fondu) dinner, Dumpling dinner, and a Traditional Chinese dinner (we'll see). I can't wait for everything that is coming up in the following weeks. We got our assignments today and I'm pretty sure I'll be working with an Chinese orphanage. My schedule is very loose and basically if I am not up for working that day, I don't have to work. Even though I'm volunteering for 20 days, with all of our trips and excursions I will probably only be working 7 days. Which I'm not really complaining. I have also found the link to my appearance on CBS. Here it is: CBS News Appearance . I look dumb and touristy but thats because I just got off of a 12 hour flight. Also, here are some pictures. Enjoy.

Olympic Beginnings

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