Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Going to Summer Camp!

Hey everyone! I'm in a really big rush right now. We had an awesome day yesterday. I woke up and had a meeting with University of Northern Virginia to go over one of the projects. After the meeting, I met with Jenny and Martin to discuss what materials need to be bought for the camp. I couldn't help buy the things because I had my own personal shopping to take care of. I still haven't bought any souveniers and I knew that I would be busy all day today with no time to buy anything. Martin had to tackle the list of materials, which included 5 watermelons, paint, glitter, scissors, notebooks, etc etc, by himself. I wonder how he managed. When we finished our meeting, I ate a quick meal at the school cafeteria and made my way to the market. Of course, whenever I need to find something I can't find my way. I've run into this market countless time while wandering around Prague, but yesterday it took me at least an hour and a half to find it. When I did find it, I realized I had missed it by only two blocks and I spent the other hour walking past it searching for it.

When I got to the market, I bought a bunch of stuff. I still don't know what to get my sister or my girlfriend or my mom, but I'm sure I'll be able to find things on my other travels. I found a place to sit and relax before I had my meeting with Jaro, to go over the final details of the camp agenda. I stole internet from a nearby hotel and was able to make a few phone calls home. When I met with Jaro, everything went well. I got to say good-bye and give him a few gifts from the other leaders in thanks for everything he has helped us with.

I left straight from training to go home to change and prepare for Ana's birthday party. Last night, we went to the mains square again to cheer on Brasil in the world cup. Brasil beat Chile 3 to 0 and it was a good time as always. There was a group of extremely drunk Mexicans at the game. I really wanted to ask what part they were from, but I decided not to because I didn't want to get wrapped up in a conversation in Spanish with the drunks. I probably should have, but I didn't (Sorry Dad!). After the game, we went back to the apartment in Prague, and decided where to go out. We ended up choosing a place nearby and I'm pretty sure Ana had a great 21st birthday with all of us. I didn't get home until after 6 AM this morning and have spent the morning typing the blogs that will be posted for the upcoming two weeks. They'll be posted every other day starting on July 1st.

Right now, home is looking pretty sad. We've all packed for camp and are prepared to move out when we come back on August 1st. I have still yet to pack, shower and eat before catching the train in an hour, but I think I'll manage. I just have to make sure that I have enough clothes for the two camps and our trip to Budapest and Vienna. I'm really bummed I wont be able to talk to anyone during the next 2 weeks, but I'm sure you'll enjoy the stories I have written. I'll probably be writing my next post in Vienna, or sometime during July, but until then, take care!!

Wish me luck and hopefully My BetterMyself is an awesome program for the students!!

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