Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I've Arrived in Prague

16 hours later...I've finally arrived in Prague. Let's start from the beginning. My trip begun at Denver International, waiting in an hour line to check my bag. Of course, I was waiting in the wrong line, but I eventually got my bag checked. I lucked out by going through a security line that was about to close, so that meant there was no lines and no waiting through security. My 8:00 PM flight left on time and after two weeks of weddings, graduation parties, and visiting friends, I was exhausted. I was lucky enough to have the adjacent seat empty, so I got to spread out and get comfortable. All I wanted to do was pass out, but I had to stay up for the delicious airplane food and enjoy a complimentary drink! I was kind of surprised to hear the British lady next to me (at least in her 60s) ordered a whiskey-sprite, but was even more surprised when she almost downed it quicker than I could pour my drink! I slept the entire flight and upon landing at London Heathrow, I felt pretty well rested.

London Heathrow was nice. I was really excited to see that they had a Wagamama, the "Tokyo Joe's" of the United Kingdom! It's definitely a notch up from Tokyo Joes and after converting the prices it's definitely about twice as expensive, but for me, it was totally worth it. I haven't had Wagamama since the last time I was in London in 2006. After enjoying my soba noodles with steak (& a Singha beer of course), I made my way to the gate to wait for my next flight. When I boarded my connecting flight to Prague, I passed out instantly before the plane took off. When I woke up, I realized I had slept an hour and a half...but naturally the plane hadn't moved from the gate. Being confused, I asked the gentleman next to me what the problem was and he explained that a circuit had shorted on the dashboard and they had finished repairing it but due to scheduling conflicts we were still delayed another 30 minutes. I'm glad they kept us on the hot plane for 2 hours sitting at the gate...it was really nice to wake up sweating with neck aches from napping in a cramped airplane seat. Really great. I also couldn't help but feel bad knowing that I had no cell phone and someone was supposed to pick me up from the airport. I really hoped they didn't leave me there alone.

After finally landing in Prague, I got my bags and was relieved to see Martin waiting for me in the lobby. By this time, a huge torrential downpour had started and buckets of water were falling from the sky. Luckily, the bus stop was covered and we didn't have to get wet, but the muggy bus ride to meet up with my boss was slightly reminiscent of the humid car rides I once took in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Martin dropped me off with Jana, my boss and host for MBM, and we made our way on another bus to her house in the suburbs of Prague.

Although I arrived at 10:00 PM, and the sun had barely set beyond the horizon, I could tell right away the house and neighborhood is beautiful. There are green pastures all around, a quiet and peaceful village town with a Tesco and a grocery store, and nice houses with patios and gates. She lives with 4 other people and will be adding a few more once the other leaders arrive. This is the place I'll call home for the next few weeks before the camps begin.

Tomorrow, Jana is busy with work stuff and Martin is still in school, so I'm going into Prague with Jana in the morning and will be wandering around on my own discovering the city the fast way. Martin will meet up with me after class, help me by a monthly metro card that is good on all of Prague's subways, busses and trains. I think it'll be no more than $25. I'll be sure to let you guys know what I discover tomorrow...

1 comment:

Diana said...

ahahha i laughed out loud while reading about your plane adventures.